José María Baez
Jerez, Cádiz, Spain. 1949
Originally from Jerez, Baez has lived in Cordoba since 1960. He received the Nuevas Formas Expresivas Scholarship from the Ministry of Culture in 1980 and has been awarded the Premios Navarra de Pintura in 1995 and the Martínez Guerricabeitia Prize in 1994, among others.
With a coherent trajectory in which we find continuous exercises that delve into the depth and mystery of color, the work of José Mª Baez fits fully into what we can define as modern pictorial tradition. His work is based on the audacity to accept, when everything surpasses and overflows us, something so vigorous and at the same time so elementary as the fluctuations of color that affect our retina, evoking natural sensations. Thus, the image retains the viewer, demanding a time of reception.
His work, present in important national collections, has been shown in numerous exhibitions in Spain and France, and he has made many interventions in public spaces, including the ephemeral mural intervention in the Cloister of the Centre del Carme, IVAM, in Valencia as well as the intervention in the Roman Bridge in Córdoba.